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 Medical consultation استشاره طبية

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Meralgia paresthetica is a condition characterized by tingling, numbness and burning pain in your outer thigh. The cause of meralgia paresthetica is compression of the nerve that supplies sensation to the skin surface of your thigh.

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the top 10 warning signs of poor blood circulation

Good blood circulation is essential for good health. Your blood helps transport nutrients and oxygen to every part of your body. Any problem with your circulatory system can lead to a variety of other health issues. If left untreated, it can cause serious damage to your brain, heart, liver, kidneys and limbs

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Ten warning signs of dementia

Many conditions, such as stroke, depression and infections, as well as normal ageing, can cause dementia-like symptoms. It’s important not to assume any changes are due to dementia. It’s very important to see a GP if you have concerns that you or someone you know may have dementia. If the symptoms are caused by a treatable condition, they can be diagnosed and treated

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What are systemic corticosteroids and how do they work?

Oral and injectable systemic corticosterois are steroid hormones prescribed to decrease inflammation in diseases and conditions such as arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis, for example), ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, asthma, bronchitis, some skin rashes, and allergic or inflammatory conditions that involve the nose and eyes. Examples of systemic corticosteroids include hydrocortisone (Cortef), cortisone, prednisone (Prednisone Intensol), prednisolone (Orapred, Prelone), and methylprednisolone (Medrol, Depo-Medrol, Solu-Medrol). Some of the side effects of systemic corticosteroids are swelling of the legs, hypertension, headache, easy bruising, facial hair growth, diabetes, cataracts, and puffiness of the face

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